High Flight

by Pamela J. Marshall

for flute

Duration ~3.25 minutes


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The music of High Flight for flute strives to catch the joy and sense of freedom of flying. The melodic line floats over the cloud tops and swoops up and down in an aviator’s ballet. At the end, the flutist brings the audience to a feeling of transcendance, paralleling the poet-pilot’s words “[I] put out my hand, and touched the face of God.”

The music has a limited amount of extended techniques, specifically tone-bending in the low register.

Part of Pamela’s Poetry-Inspired Music collection.

The poem “High Flight” by John Gillespie Magee has inspired both aviators and astronauts. Read the poem and read the author’s Wikipedia biography.


Here are several listening options.

  • Listen to an MP3 audio file, created with virtual orchestra sounds, including East West Quantum Leap and Native Instruments Kontakt 3.
  • High Flight performed by flutist Jessi Rosinski (SoundClick streaming). Buy the MP3 at SoundClick!
  • High Flight Remix (SoundClick streaming). Check out this remix from the recording session for High Flight. Multiple layers of the original music create intricate, accidental counterpoint and lush textures.