About Spindrift
Contents on this page Services Commissioning Licensing Music Reference Contact Me
Spindrift Music Company publishes the music of Pamela J.
Marshall and promotes the performance and appreciation of
contemporary classical music. You can purchase downloadable PDF scores and parts for
various chamber music ensembles and download free watermarked perusal scores.
Note If you are interested orchestral scores and parts, please contact me. I am working on a new way of providing them.
Find out more:
- See and hear music in the Music Catalog
- Search the Spindrift web site
- Read Pam's biographies and get photos.
Curious about the name Spindrift?
It's the frothy spray from a breaking wave. It's also a common
name for Bed & Breakfast places on the California coast. There's
also Spindrift
fruit-flavored sparkling water in Massachusetts.
Music Information Services
Improvisation resources Getting started with free-style improv
Music Thesaurus A reference that groups music terms in several languages according to their English meaning. It's in the Music Reference section.
Horn players, read about improvisation and learn about new horn music.
Commissioning a New Work
Commissioning If you are interested in
commissioning music in honor of a special person, for a special
occasion, because you are a lover of culture, or you are a musician who plays the newest music, I can help. I can
create original music or arrangements for any ensemble and any
difficulty level, according to your desires. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.
Join a commissioning consortium The
Spindrift Commissioning Guild is made
up of people like you! A group of people pool their money and
become a sponsor of one of my composing projects. Each person pays
a small share of the commission and receives a recording or the
music score. Sponsors are acknowledged in concert programs or
printed music. Learn more about Guild projects and find out how to
co-sponsor a project.
Note There are no current projects now (2023). Read about
the Spindrift Commissioning Guild and past projects.
If you are interested in licensing music in this catalog for a
recording, film or other use, please contact me (see below). If you
are performing music from my catalog where tickets are required or performers
are paid, please contact BMI
about a performance license.

Contact Us
Email me with your comments, suggestions, commission requests, and music questions:
- info {at} spindrift (dot) com
or - Leave me a message at (+1) seven eight one - eight six two - zero eight eight four
(numbers spelled out to try to reduce spam calls!)
Tell us about your performances
If you are playing
my music on your recital or concert, send me the details and I'll
announce it via the website, Facebook, and/or email.
New location
As of 2023, I am located in Portugal.
The Dexter Road address in Massachusetts is obsolete.
There are a lot of downloadable PDF scores to update!
- Spindrift on Facebook (not very active there)
- Elusive Music blog
Spindrift Music Email Lists - click the big "Join My Email List" button below to sign up.
Please don't contact me about these things
I no longer can accept requests to add links to my resource pages.
The pages are out-of-date and an update may be a future project, but I will only post links to services I use.
Please don't send offers to redesign my website or to provide other business services. I will not respond.