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These two solos, Unabashed Promotion and I Am the Wind, play on the humorous and plaintive qualities of the bassoon. They can be performed together or separately. They are challenging pieces. You should play them freely, in a cadenza style.
- Unabashed Promotion: The music crows, wheedles, and insists that you listen. Inspired by “On the Cackling of the Hen” by John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim’s Progress.
Duration approx. 2′ - I Am the Wind: Variations on the theme of opposites – wavering vs steadfast, solid vs evaporating. Inspired by the poem of the same name by Zoë Akins. Read the poem “I Am the Wind” and learn more about Zoë Akins as a screenwriter.
Duration approx. 4′
Part of Pamela’s Poetry-Inspired Music collection.
Unabashed Promotion: Listen to an MP3 audio file, created with virtual orchestra sounds, including East West Quantum Leap and Native Instruments Kontakt 3.
On The Cackling Of A Hen
By John Bunyan (1628-1688)The hen, so soon as she an egg doth lay,
Spreads the fame of her doing what she may.
About the yard she cackling now doth go,
To tell what ’twas she at her nest did do.
Just thus it is with some professing men,
If they do ought that good is, like our hen
They can but cackle on’t where e’er they go,
What their right hand doth their left hand must know.
By John Bunyan (1628-1688)The hen, so soon as she an egg doth lay,
Spreads the fame of her doing what she may.
About the yard she cackling now doth go,
To tell what ’twas she at her nest did do.
Just thus it is with some professing men,
If they do ought that good is, like our hen
They can but cackle on’t where e’er they go,
What their right hand doth their left hand must know.