Spindrift Commissioning Guild for 2012
Duo & Trio: Chamber Music with Flute
About the Music

I've got some musical ideas running around my head
-- cello launching pad -- flute flying - roles reversed - focus on interesting sounds - refocus on melody - how much sound can a cello and flute make? How tiny a sound can they make together?
-- cascades - waterfalls in Vermont, fueled by Irene's floods, percussion-piano blending, flute connecting, one line, then diverging -- in northern Vermont mountains, it was drama not destruction.
Often the first ideas get replaced, so don't hold me to it.
Chamber Music with Flute
Examinate Variations: for the Addington-Barringer Duo (renamed recently from the Addington-Arnold Duo)
Ashley Addington, flute
Rachel (Arnold) Barringer, cello
Piece #2: for the Yost trio
Sarah Tomasek, flute
Shaylor Lindsay, piano
Alan Yost,
Budget and Schedule
Money raised for this project includes a commission fee for the composer - that's me - and money to pay the performers for the recording sessions. 6% overhead pays for fiscal sponsorship and there's some cost for the perks - printed music, t-shirts, tote bags, and CDs.
We will present the music in concert too, but I don't know yet whether I'll produce the concert or whether the music will appear on some other concert series so I'm not offering concert tickets at this time. The concert might be free.
When: I'm starting now to work on the music and plan to finish both pieces at the end of February. We plan to record the music in May or June, with possible concerts in spring and summer.
Update: Although the music is written, the presentation of the project is moving more slowly. The premiere is Examinate Variations takes place January 18, 2013 at the Advent Church Library, Brimmer St, Boston. (calendar)
Guild members, let me know if you need download codes for the preview recording of Examinate Variations.
Guild Overview
Read more about the
Guild and how it works
Target completion date: June 30, 2010
Target amount: Up to $1500 for commission fee
Download the fundraising letter
Benefits for Guild sponsors
Program listing All sponsors will be listed in the concert program of the premiere, in the printed score, and on this web site, with my great thanks.
I'm offering a lot of perks for this project at RocketHub, a crowding-funding project site. Check it out!
Whether you donate with a check to Fractured atlas, in behalf of Spindrift Commissioning guild (see How to Donate below) or online through Fractured Atlas or RocketHub, you'll get the appropriate perk, if you want it, and you get tax-deductibility for your support, to the extent permitted by law.
Fiscal Sponsorship by Fractured Atlas Expand Text
In 2005, I organized Spindrift Commissioning Guild to accept monetary support for specific projects. Now Spindrift Commissioning Guild can accept tax-deductible charitable donations under the fiscal sponsorship of Fractured Atlas.
Spindrift Commissioning Guild is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions in behalf of Spindrift Commissioning Guild may be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
For these 2012 projects, there's also a 60-day fundraising campaign at RocketHub.
How to Donate
Our 60-day RocketHub
fundraising campaign, finished January 27 2012.
Click here for donation details
or donate by checkFractured Atlas donations
You can make a donation online or with a check. Fractured Atlas receives the money and disburses it to Spindrift as the project progresses.
You can support the project in any amount. A donation of at least $25 will be really helpful. All donors will be listed in the music score and on my web site. You can be anonymous, if you want. And always, thank you for your interest and support!
Online options
Visit the RocketHub crowd funding project. Read about all the cool bonuses I'm offering, and sign up there.
Use the Fractured Atlas web site to donate by credit card
By check
Write a check payable to Fractured Atlas with a memo of "in behalf of Spindrift Commissioning Guild". Send it to Pamela Marshall, 38 Dexter Road, Lexington, MA 02420. Include your email address, so that I can send you project updates. If you don't use email, I can send updates via USPS mail.
No matter how you donate, you'll still be eligible for the perks I'm offering at RocketHub.
Guild members
After finishing the 2012 Duo and Trio fundraiser, I enthusiastically welcome these new and repeat members to the Guild. Thank you for supporting my new music.
Fern Abrams
Ashley Addington
Rachel Arnold
Carroll Ann Bottino
Frederic Boutaud & Sirarpi Heghinian Walzer
Todd Brunel
Nancy Burdine
Carolyn Bruse
Carson Cooman
Diana Golden
Patricia Lake
Elizabeth Landman
Barbara Marden
Evelyn Marshall
Richard Porter
Matt Samolis
John Tarrh
Sarah Tomasek
Charles Turner
Deanna Witkowski
Laura Yardumian
Alan Yost
Join the Guild email list
To keep up to date on the project, please sign up for my Spindrift Commissioning Guild email list. Click the button below.
You don’t have to be a donor to get project updates. I always appreciate your interest in my music. Maybe the updates will entice you to support the project with money too!
Thank you for your interest and support!
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