Here are some composers and other new-music people I met in January 2016 at the New Music Gathering, a conference at Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. I’m checking out their music now!
Clare Shore, composer, Florida
Meg Schedel, composer, Stonybrook, New York
Kirk O’Riordan, composer, Lafayette College, Pennsylvania
Kala Pierson, composer, Pennsylvania
Jamie Klenetsky Fay, composer, mezzo-soprano
Ruby Fulton, composer, Baltimore, MD
Alexandra Gardner, composer, Baltimore, MD
Brooks Frederikson, composer, New York
Henry Stewart Engart III, composer, harpsichord, organ, North Carolina
Steve Layton, composer, virtual community: playgroundsound
Music Business People
Chris Robinson, Parma Recordings
Tom Steenland, Starkland Records
Kevin Clark, composer, New Music USA
Maggie Stapleton, Second Inversion radio