Category: Improvising
Making music in the moment; resources for doing improvisation
ISIM in Toronto May 2016
I’m excited to be participating in the International Society for Improvised Music conference, aka ISIM. Dates are May 12-15 at Wilfrid Laurier University with locations in Waterloo and Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. I’ll be in an ensemble with trumpeter and improviser Jim Sherry. I’m eager to see the full program schedule. Will you be there too?
20 Improv Ideas for Daily Music Practice
Have you wished you could improvise, but didn’t want to start out “in public”? Sign up for my “20 Improv Ideas” email e-course to get regular improv practice ideas in your inbox. You’ll get an email every two days with a practice suggestion to develop your improv creativity and techniques.
Books for Free-Style Improv
If you’re interested in improv and you like to read as well as play the music, like me, check out these improvisation guide books: