Playing a Virtual Orchestra

Although I seem to write mostly music notated on paper for live performers, I’ve always been interested in computer tools for composing and sound design. I started my recording business a few years ago because I wanted to put my audio tools to more use. Last year, I decided to invest in the sophisticated sampled   Read More...

After the concert

The concert for The Future of Life went beautifully. The chorus sounded great, the trombonist was superb. The rest of the program sounded fine too. I was moved by the text and I was pleased with the way the music, the sung and spoken words, and trombone declarations came together. Audience members, who were moved   Read More...

Inspiring Myself for Conservation

I am excited about this new choral piece The Future of Life. I always am before the premiere. But the theme, biodiversity, is particularly resonant in the real world. Since I wrote it, I’ve felt a bit obsessive about wanting to be better about conservation and energy efficiency. There’s a lot going on in my   Read More...